
Ingredients For the dough: 1 E.L. Wasser 80g sugar 1 point vanilla sugar 70g flour 30 g cornstarch 1 teaspoon Baking powder For the cream: 1 large can of peaches 16 sheets of gelatine, white 750 g Quark 150g yogurt 120g sugar 1 lemon(s) 300 ml whipped cream preparation Für den Teig die Eier mit … Read more

Minced meat cheese roll

Ingredients 400 g minced beef or lamb 1 large red pepper 1 onion 1 No 4 slices of cheese 1 roll of puff pastry Spices as desired preparation Backofen auf 220 °C Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Paprika und Zwiebel klein würfeln. Hackfleisch würzen, wie man es wünscht. Ich habe ordentlich Salz, Pfeffer und Kreuzkümmel (gemahlen) rein. Dazu … Read more

Frankfurter Kranz à la Oma Lisa

INGREDIENTS •200ml oil •200ml milk or juice •300g flour •4 Owner(s) •250g Zucker •1 pack. baking powder   For the cream: •1 pack. Pudding powder, vanilla, for cooking •200g jam, red •300g butter, room temperature •500ml milk •150g brittle, for sprinkling PREPARATION First of all, the base is an oil dough, so not too dry … Read more

Heidelbeer-Mascarpone Dessert

Ingredients  200 g blueberries 40g sugar 1 splash of lemon juice 50ml water   200 g Mascarpone 300 g natural yogurt Powdered sugar, if desired 30 g Biscuit(s), (Schokokekse) whipped cream (cream) preparation Bring the blueberries to the boil with sugar, lemon and water and simmer for about 2 minutes, stirring often; the berries should … Read more

Blitz cherry cake with vanilla pudding

Ingredients 2 pcs. Owner 4 tbsp sugar 170g sugar 170 g Butter 1 piece peel (1 piece organic lemon (peel of it)) 200g flour 400 ml milk 8 tbsp milk 1 pack of pudding powder 5 tbsp almond flakes some powdered sugar 1 glass of sour cherry pickled PreparationFirst, separate the eggs, beat the egg … Read more

Pudding and biscuit cakes: soft and tender

This Pudding Cookie Cake is a fresh take on a no-bake dessert. To prepare it, you only need a handful of ingredients: milk, sugar, cocoa powder, agar-agar, dark chocolate and cookies. You make the pudding on the stove, top it with cookies, and put it in the fridge! With every bite you get the crunchy … Read more