Soft orange and vanilla cake

Soft orange and vanilla cake. It is prepared with inexpensive and easy to find ingredients. Making this recipe doesn’t take much effort. You just need to follow the method carefully. Everything is explained in detail in the following lines.

This way, you will get a delicious and simple pastry that will satisfy you from breakfast to dessert. I’ll wait for you in the kitchen for the recipe. If you wish, you can enrich this cake with chocolate chips. The result will be even better.

To make the recipe a success, you must measure the ingredients carefully and prepare them before starting the recipe. You must also respect the cooking time and temperature, so follow the steps described below step-by-step.

Preparation: 15 minutes
Cooking: approximately 40 to 45 minutes

Ingredients :

– 220 g of flour
– 160 g of granulated sugar
– 3 whole eggs at room temperature
– Vanilla extract or vanilla sugar

– Juice and grated zest of an orange
– 90 ml of oil
– 30 g of starch
– 1 sachet of baking powder

Preparation of soft orange and vanilla cake

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