Watermelon cake with strawberries

500 ml whipping cream 30%
3 tablespoons of powdered sugar
3 teaspoons of gelatin
1/3 cup of water


2 x strawberry jelly
700 ml of hot water
approx. 300 g of strawberries
approx. 50 g of blueberries
1 glass with a capacity of 250 ml.

All ingredients for the spinach cake should be at room temperature.
Grind the spinach leaves in a food processor to a uniform consistency. Sift the flour together with the baking powder. Mix the eggs with sugar until fluffy and light. Then add the spinach and, alternately, in a small stream, the oil and a small portion of the dry ingredients until all of it is used.
Line a cake tin with a diameter of approximately 24-26 cm with baking paper. Pour the dough and bake at 170 C for about 25-30 minutes. to the so-called dry stick. We take it out and leave it to cool.

Mix gelatin with cold water and leave to swell. Heat it for a while, e.g. in the microwave and stir until dissolved.
Mix the cream until it is thick, then add the sifted powdered sugar and slowly pour in the cooled gelatin. Spread on the spinach cake layer.
Pour hot water over the jelly, mix and leave to cool. Then put it in the fridge until it hardens slightly. Cut the strawberries into slices and place them on top of the cream. Then we add blueberries here and there and pour the thickening jelly over it. Put in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.



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