Unbelievably Easy Artisan Rolls

These Unbelievably Easy Artisan Rolls are super easy! Stir up the dough, then go enjoy a good sleep. In the morning, shape and bake. Unbelievably delicious too!

Extreme vertical closeup photo of a batch of Ridiculously Easy Artisan Rolls on a black cooling rack.


4 cups bread flour plus extra for shaping

2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon active dry yeast (traditional)
2 cups room-temperature tap water


In a medium-large bowl, whisk together the bread flour, salt, and yeast. Make a well in the center and add the water. Mix with a sturdy rubber spatula until all flour is incorporated. Don’t worry, the dough will be wet and sticky, that’s how it should be. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave to rise at room temperature for 10 to 12 hours.

The following morning (or after 10-12 hours), the dough will have risen, but it may still look shaggy and its surface will be covered with bubbles.

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