The Best Sicilian Cake

Coffee Syrup

Prepare the coffee and set it aside
In the meantime put the sugar water in a saucepan and place it on the stove.
Make sure the heat is low and mix the sugar and water solution until it comes to a boil.
When you notice that the sugar is completely dissolved and the mixture has thickened, turn off the heat.
Add the coffee and continue stirring and let it cool.

The Best Sicilian Cake


First, let the sponge cake cool completely, my advice is to prepare the sponge cake the day before and then cut it and stuff it the next day.
Use two types of knives, one-pointed and sharp and the other long with a smooth blade.
Basically, there are two steps in cutting the sponge cake:
Take a serrated knife and carve a line along the circumference of the cake which will guide us when cutting the cake in half horizontally.
By following this it will be easier to have two equal and level discs.
Take the long knife and start cutting from the guideline that you have created, and place a hand on the top of the cake so that you can feel the movement of the knife.
Before soaking the sponge cake, make sure that the sponge cake and the coffee syrup are completely cold.
Once the syrup has cooled, you can use two different strategies to wet your sponge cake (both layers).
The first is to pour the syrup into a plastic bottle with a spout: this method is suitable for the more experienced.
The risk is not having control of the liquid that comes out and its quantities (you might soak it too much).
The second alternative is to leave the syrup in a bowl, dip a kitchen brush into it and wet the sponge cake: pass the wet brush several times over as many as necessary to soften the layers of the cake.
Spread half of the ricotta on top of the lower disc of the sponge cake (now soaked in coffee)
Cover with the other half of the disc and spread the rest of the ricotta cream leftover on the entire surface of the cake and the sides.
Decorate the cake by covering it with granule pistachios.





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