Snickers cake recipe: “baked” in the microwave in 7 minutes


For the cake:
220g flour
30 g cocoa powder
2 teaspoons of baking soda

6 tbsp sugar
100 ml oil
300 ml milk

For the chocolate icing:
100g roasted peanuts
180 g milk chocolate (or cooking chocolate)
2 tablespoons oil


Sift flour and cocoa powder into a bowl. Add baking powder, salt and sugar. Mix well. Add oil and add warm water. Mix everything together thoroughly.
Line a baking pan with baking paper. To make the baking paper stick better, you can brush the edges with a little oil. Pour the batter into the mold and place the mold in the microwave.

Set the microwave to 800 watts and “bake” the cake for 7 minutes. (Alternatively, bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for approx. 35 – 40 minutes) After baking, turn the cake out, peel off the baking paper from the bottom and let it cool.

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