Seasonal: Cherry Sponge Cake Recipe: Fluffy, Aromatic and Delicious

Ingredients needed:

Eggs : 2 pieces
Salt : a pinch
Sugar : 150 g
Cream : 250 g
Vegetable oil : 100 g
Flour : 300 g
Baking powder : 12 g
Breadcrumbs :
Sugar : 50 g
Flour : 100 g
Weight : 50 g
Cherries : 300 g
Corn starch : 1 tablespoon

Preparation instructions:

Preparation of breadcrumbs :
Use a blender to mix the sugar, flour and cold butter from the refrigerator. After just 5 seconds of mixing, the breadcrumbs are ready. Alternatively, you can rub the ingredients by hand.
Refrigerate breadcrumbs until ready to use.

Seasonal: Cherry Sponge Cake Recipe: Fluffy, Aromatic and Delicious

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