Poppy seed cake with paradise cream recipe made so easy!

With this recipe for poppy seed cake with paradise cream, you can create an uncomplicated yet impressive baked product that impresses with its unique taste and easy preparation. A cake that not only makes the heart of every poppy seed lover beat faster, but also turns baking beginners into true master confectioners.


1 cup flour
1 cup poppy seeds (blue poppy seeds), not ground
¾ to 1 cup sugar
1 cup rapeseed oil
1 whole egg
egg whites 3 egg yolks
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 pinch of salt

For the cream:

1 packet of vanilla paradise cream
2 packets of whipped cream
hazelnut brittle for sprinkling
Possibly cream stiffener


Mix all ingredients, except the egg whites, into a smooth dough.
Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form and carefully fold into the mixture.

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