The log in the log, pistachio and raspberry

Dive into the magic of baking with the creation of this exquisite pistachio-raspberry log. By carefully following each step, you are preparing to enjoy a dessert that is as refined as it is delicious. The detailed instructions make the preparation accessible, and the easy-to-find ingredients combine harmoniously to offer an exceptional taste experience. Don’t hesitate … Read more

Homemade Mille-Feuilles: Timeless French Delight

The mille-feuille, this classic French pastry, conjures up the perfect image of a high-flying dessert, one that dazzles the eyes as much as the palate. Known for its layers of crispy puff pastry and creamy pastry cream, it is adorned with an elegant icing for a finish that is as aesthetic as it is delicious. … Read more

Condensed Milk Flan in 30 Minutes

Imagine the end of a meal when dessert arrives on the table, not to overload the palate, but to enchant it with its airy sweetness. The condensed milk flan embodies this much sought-after touch of lightness. Its preparation, which only requires 10 minutes of your time, is within everyone’s reach, even beginners in baking. Let … Read more

10 Minute Soft Yogurt Tart

Let yourself be tempted by sweetness and simplicity with our recipe for melting yogurt tart, a delicacy that will remind you of the authentic flavors of childhood. In the hectic world of contemporary pastry, this tart stands out for its natural elegance and comforting character. Inspired by a Portuguese tradition, it is the very embodiment … Read more

Grandma’s Tuna Bread

When we talk about recipes passed down from generation to generation, my grandmother’s tuna bread occupies a special place in the family heritage. This dish, with its simplicity and rustic character, reminds us that cooking is above all a story of sharing and memories. It is a recipe that tastes of childhood and meals in … Read more

Recipe for Genoise for Christmas Log

When the leaves start to fall and the air takes on a biting chill, our thoughts inevitably turn to the end-of-year festivities and the culinary traditions that accompany them. Among these traditions, the Yule log holds a special place in the hearts and on the tables of gourmands. It is an iconic pastry that evokes … Read more

No Bake Vanilla Cream Cake

The art of pastry is a field where creativity and precision meet, creating wonders that delight the eyes as much as the palate. Today, I invite you to discover an exquisite recipe that combines these two aspects in a masterful way: the No-Bake Vanilla Cream Cake. This elegant and refined dessert is a real delight … Read more

Soft and Glazed Orange Cake

Citrus cakes always have a special place in French pastry. Their freshness and lightness make them ideal desserts for all seasons, but they are particularly appreciated on sunny days, when their citrus flavors bring a welcome touch of freshness. This orange cake, moist and generously iced, is a simple and quick recipe to make, perfect … Read more

Very Easy Chocolate Marble Cake

Chocolate marble cake is a timeless treat that delights the palates of all generations. Its soft texture and two-tone design make it a classic for snacks or breakfasts. This dessert, combining the sweetness of vanilla with the intensity of cocoa, offers a harmony of flavors that seduces from the first bite. The recipe we offer … Read more

Raclette Croque Cake

The Raclette Croque Cake is an original recipe that combines the comfort of the traditional croque-monsieur with the deliciousness of raclette, a typically winter cheese. This preparation, both simple and friendly, is ideal for a meal with family or friends. It is characterized by its crispy exterior and melting interior, a real delight for cheese … Read more