Mini Peach and Cream Cheese Tarts

Serving Size – This recipe in intended to be and has been tested as a small batch. The recipe should be able to be doubled to make a larger batch.
Tart Shape + Size – The tarts are rustic, so feel free to make them any shape or size you prefer.
Peaches – I highly recommend fresh peaches for this recipe because they will retain texture and firmness when baked.
Cream Cheese – I prefer thin slices of cream cheese, but slice however thick you prefer.
Honey Drizzle – The drizzle is very versatile and can take on other flavors: cardamom, nutmeg, and even clove would be nice flavors.
Freezing the Dough – You can freeze the dough for 2 to 3 months. Wrap tightly in plastic, then place into a secure Ziploc bag. Defrost in the refrigerator.



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