Karpatka with puff peas

As soon as the pudding has completely cooled down and 200 grams of butter has softened, you can start preparing the custard cream. Put the soft butter into a small but tall bowl. Immediately add 150 grams of powdered sugar. Beat the butter and sugar with a mixer at high speed until fluffy and light. It is very important to beat the butter patiently while waiting for the right consistency. I will not give the exact time because a lot depends on the power of the mixer. For me it takes about four minutes.

Gradually, spoon by spoon, I add the completely cooled pudding to the fluffy, sweet butter. After each spoonful, mix the mixture until both masses are perfectly combined (a few seconds is enough). I am careful not to whip the cream for too long. This is how I mix the entire pudding. You should get a fluffy custard cream. It usually takes me no longer than 10 minutes.

Tip : You can use up to 100 grams more butter. However, the cream will be much oilier.

Prepare a cake tin with a diameter of 23 cm or another form of similar dimensions. Line the bottom and sides of the baking tin with baking paper (grease the rims from the inside with a little butter or margarine so that the high strips of parchment paper stick well to the inside of the tin). Pour 100 grams of puff peas into the bottom of the cake tin. Start adding the custard cream spoon by spoon. Do this carefully so as not to move loosely sprinkled peas. Place the entire cream in the cake tin and smooth its surface.

Tip : You can also line the sides of the form with higher edge foil in strips.

Pour the remaining 100 grams of puff peas on top. Gently press it into the mass. Cover the cake with puff peas from the top, e.g. with foil, and put it in the fridge until the custard cream has completely hardened. The no-bake karpatka should be ready to serve after a minimum of 6 hours of cooling. You can also leave it in the fridge overnight and serve it the next day.

Before serving, I recommend dusting the cake with powdered sugar. Kept cold (6-10 degrees, in the refrigerator) it will stay fresh for at least three days.



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