Chocolate Covered Dates

These Chocolate Covered Dates are a no-bake dessert that’s utterly delicious. Sweet and savory, there are so many variations to try.

Plate of Chocolate Covered Dates
What You’ll Need
Ingredients for Chocolate Covered Dates: dates, chocolate, and peanut butter.
How to Make Chocolate Covered Dates

Pit the dates. Make a slit into each Medjool date and remove the pit.

Steps to make Chocolate Covered Dates: split the dates and remove the pits.
Add filling. Now fill the center of each date with your filling of choice (I used peanut butter here).
Close them. Secure the two split-open sides of the date using a toothpick, making sure to leave one side of the toothpick a little bit longer.

Steps to make Chocolate Covered Dates: fill the dates with peanut butter and close with a toothpick.
Freeze. Now place the filled dates on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Freeze for about 10-15 minutes.
Dip the dates into melted chocolate. Now melt the dark chocolate in the microwave-safe bowl, being careful not to scorch it. Then carefully dip the frozen dates into the melted chocolate, using a spoon to help fully coat the dates. Tap off any extra on the side of the bowl and quickly transfer it to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Let them set. Place the Chocolate Covered Dates in the refrigerator to set. Keep them refrigerated until ready to serve.

Steps to make Chocolate Covered Dates: melt the chocolate and dip the dates in it.

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