Chocolate Babka

Chocolate Babka loaf in a loaf pan, lined with parchment paper, kept on top of a cooling rack
Kneading Using a Stand Mixer(Option 1)

Add the flour, yeast, salt, sugar and cold butter in the bowl of a Stand Mixer / food processor/ Dough maker.
Pulse till the butter disintegrates and mixes with the flour.(but you should see the specks)
Now on low speed, using the dough hook, Add the eggs one by one.
Trickle in the ¾ cup of milk . The dough should start to come together now. Process for 1 minute. If it seems to dry add 1 tablespoon of milk in increments till you get a soft dough.
Take the dough out.

Kneading with Hand(Option 2)

Mix in the flour, yeast,sugar and salt in a large sturdy bowl.Add the cold cubed butter

Now pinch the butter with your index finger and thumb and mix it with the flour.Rub the butter in the flour till you don’t have any big cubes of butter left but small clumps of it.

Add the eggs and ¾ cup milk. Start by mixing and wetting all the ingredients. Once the dough starts to come together , add more milk in 1 tablespoon increments if the dough is dry or if it’s too wet add more flour.
Knead the dough well for about 10 minute. Stretch and fold..and Repeat.This is done to develop Gluten.If this step is omitted the bread will be chewy instead of pillowy.

Proofing the Bread

Use a large greased bowl for this step. It should be big enough to fit a triple amount of the dough.

The quick way is to keep the kneaded bread in a bowl, covered with wet kitchen towel for 2-4 hours.
The easier way is to keep the dough in a covered bowl(use cling film) in the fridge for 8-10 hours.

Rolling the Dough and last proof

If in the fridge,Take the dough out of the fridge and let it come to room temperature.

Optional step : Keep it in the fridge for 10 minutes to make it easier to cut.
Cut the log along it’s length and then braid it. Take one over the other alternatively.
Tuck the ends under. Lift this into a prepared loaf pan lined with parchment paper. Cover again with cling film or damp kitchen towel.



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