Cherry Cheesecake Chimichangas

I had to figure out what to do with all those cherry pie filling. I’m a bit tired of old fashioned cherry pie and want to try something new. I’ve already made Mini Cherry Pies, which are great if you don’t need a whole pie or you want individual serving size dessert. And so this scrumptious Cherry Cheesecake Chimichangas recipe was born.
I was so pleased with the results. I really love cherry cheesecake and the simplicity of this recipe makes me even more happy. Just mix cream cheese with some sugar and vanilla, spread onto a flour tortilla, add some cheery pie filling, rolled it tight like a burrito, fry each one for a 2-3 minutes, then roll into cinnamon sugar mixture and the yummy dessert is ready for serving.

If you like cherry cheesecake try these Cherry Cheesecake Chimichangas, you will not be disappointed!

Cherry Cheesecake Chimichangas are irresistibly scrumptious, crispy, deep fried burritos filled with sweet, cherry cheesecake and rolled into cinnamon sugar.



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