BBQ Vegan Lentil Meatballs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Start to form your lentil balls placing each one on a pan lined with parchment paper. (I use an ice cream scopper to scoop out mixture).
Brush lentil meatballs with 1 teaspoon of oil (this will help them get that caramelized color as if you were pan-frying them) and extra barbecue sauce (as much as you like).
Place in the oven for about 20 minutes total. After 10 minutes, flipped them on the other side for an even cook. You can brush on an extra layer of BBQ sauce if you like and finish baking.
Once fully cooked, take out the oven and allow it to cool. Serve with your favorite sides or as an appetizer.

6 grid photo of baking and sauteing vegan meatballs


UPDATED: This recipe has been updated due to people finding the mixture too wet. Thanks to the feedback, I made 3 important changes:
I took away the need for a flaxseed egg so less ingredients are needed.
I added breadcrumbs to the mixture for a better hold and more texture.
I processed only half of the lentils in a food processor that way it the mixture has some texture and isn’t so wet.
READ THE ENTIRE RECIPE: It is important to follow instructions as written and read through the entire post and recipe. If you try to do this recipe on your own outside of the direct instructions and measurements, you take the risk the recipe not turning out correctly.
MORE LENTIL MEATBALLS: The same flavor is there but now the mixture holds a lot better and it makes more meatballs! I have tested the new version 3 times and it’s PERFECT. Please leave comments for any questions or concerns of how the updated recipe turned out for you!
PRE COOKED RICE: Please NOTE the rice needs to be bought pre cooked or you will have to add additional steps in cooking those things yourself. Any pre cooked rice will do but I like Tasty Bite Organic Brown Rice. If you want to cook your own, I like Trader Joes 15 Quick-Cook Rice. ½ cup of dried rice equals 1 cup of cooked rice. Cook according to package directions.
PRE COOKED LENTILS: Lentils need to bought pre cooked as well or you will have to add additional steps. I used 2 15 ounce cans of lentils. (Be sure to pat your lentils dry as much as possible with a paper towel if using can lentils). If you want to cook your own, 1 cup of dried lentils equals 2 cups of cooked lentils. Cook according to package directions.



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