Yellow roll with cherries

Making of:

First prepare the filling. Separate a little milk and mix it with pudding and sugar, and heat the rest in a suitable pan. Boil the thick cream in hot milk, stirring constantly. Cover the surface of the cream with transparent film and leave to cool.

Prepare a 42×32 cm baking sheet (or similar surface). Lubricate with fat (butter or margarine) and stick baking paper on the bottom with the dimensions of the bottom of the baking sheet (do not stick paper on the sides of the baking sheet). Turn on the oven at 150 °C to heat it up. Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and in a plastic bowl first mix the egg whites with a pinch of salt into stiff peaks, then in another bowl mix the egg yolks with sugar until the mixture becomes light. Add oil and yogurt at room
temperature, mix briefly, then add sifted flour and baking powder and mix everything a little more at the lowest speed. Gently mix the beaten egg whites into the egg yolk mixture several times with a spatula (swirl slightly so that the mixture remains airy). Pour the mixture into a tray and arrange the cherries in even rows. Bake the biscuit at 150 °C for 20 minutes, then increase the temperature to 180 °C and bake for another 6-7 minutes (adjust the temperature and length of baking to your oven, it is important not to overbake
the biscuit so that it can be rolled up nicely). Remove the baked biscuit from the oven, cover with baking paper and a cloth. After 3 minutes, gently run a knife along the edges to separate the biscuit from the sides of the tray, then carefully turn it over with the paper on top onto the work surface. Leave it like that for another three minutes, then carefully peel off the baking paper, leave it on the biscuit and roll it together with both papers (you have baking paper on both the upper and lower sides).
Add room temperature butter to the cooled filling and beat everything well so that there are no lumps.
Unroll the cooled sponge cake, remove the top baking paper, spread evenly with the filling and roll up so that the length of the roll is longer than the side (42 cm). Wrap the roll in baking paper and transparent foil and wrap it like a candy to form the correct shape. Cool for a few hours in the fridge and serve.



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