Why You Should Never Throw Away Your Banana Peels: 9 Unexpected Health Benefits



Bug bites can quickly ruin your day, as an itchy and sometimes painful distraction.

StyleCraze recommends that you “massage the peel on the mosquito bites to get instant relief from the itching and pain.”

Health Benefit #2: Keeps You Regular

The banana peel itself is loaded with fiber, making it an easy way to stay regular.

For those who can’t quite seem to stomach eating the entire peel, scrape out as much of the insides as you are able using a spoon.

This high fiber is great for digestion!

Health Benefit #3: Whitens Teeth

Don’t worry — you don’t have to chew on a banana peel to achieve this benefit.

According to Native American News, “To whiten your teeth, simply rub them with the inner part of the peel on a regular daily basis for two weeks.

“You’ll be able to see positive results after a few treatments.”

Health Benefit #4: Reduces Wrinkles

The antioxidants in banana peels also make them great for your skin.

Simply rub the banana peel on the desired areas of your face, and leave the residue on for a half hour before washing off. Regular “peel treatments” should lead to positive results!

Health Benefit #5: Helps You Sleep Better

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