Whisk Banana with Cookies! You’ll be Amazed! Delicious Dessert in 5 Minutes Without Baking


Who doesn’t love a quick and easy dessert fix? Especially when it involves the irresistible combination of bananas and cookies. In this article, we’ll delve into a simple yet divine dessert recipe that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. Get ready to whip up a delightful treat in just five minutes!


  • 2 bananas
  • 120g of cookies
  • 35g of butter
  • 75g whipped cream
  • 200g milk concentrate
  • 35g of sugar
  • Fine sugar
  • Chocolate flakes


Let’s break down the steps to creating this delectable dessert:

Crushing the Cookies

Grab a handful of your favorite cookies and place them in a plastic bag. Use a rolling pin to crush them into fine crumbs. This step adds a delightful crunch to our dessert.

Preparing the Base

In a mixing bowl, combine the crushed cookies with mashed bananas using a potato masher. Mix until well combined, and then transfer the mixture into a round cake pan to form the base.

Making the Creamy Filling

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