Very Easy Chocolate Marble Cake

Chocolate marble cake is a timeless treat that delights the palates of all generations. Its soft texture and two-tone design make it a classic for snacks or breakfasts. This dessert, combining the sweetness of vanilla with the intensity of cocoa, offers a harmony of flavors that seduces from the first bite. The recipe we offer you is very easy to make, requiring only simple ingredients and a preparation process accessible to all.

The base of this cake is an airy mixture of eggs and sugar, beaten until light and fluffy. This step is crucial, as it guarantees the lightness of the cake. The addition of oil brings an incomparable softness, while the vanilla offers a delicate aromatic note. The mixture of flour with baking powder ensures a perfect rise of the cake, giving it a texture that is both firm and airy.

The magic of marble cake lies in the separation of the dough into two parts: one plain, the other with added cocoa. The latter, enriched with chocolate, contrasts wonderfully with the sweetness of the vanilla part. The cocoa, carefully mixed with part of the dough, brings not only its characteristic color but also a deep chocolate flavor. A little extra milk can be added to adjust the consistency, making sure to obtain two doughs of the same density.

Assembling the cake is a creative moment: the batters are poured alternately into the mold, creating, layer after layer, the marbled effect so characteristic of this cake. This step, although simple, requires a little attention to ensure a harmonious marbled pattern. Once in the oven, the aromas of vanilla and chocolate mingle, filling the kitchen with an inviting fragrance. The result is a visually appealing and tasty cake, ideal for accompanying your moments of sharing and conviviality.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Serves: 6 to 8 people

Ingredients :

3 glasses of flour
3 eggs
1 glass of sugar
1/4 glass of oil
2 tablespoons baking powder
1 glass of milk
3 tablespoons of cocoa
Pinch of vanilla

Preparation :

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