Vanilla Cream Donuts Recipe

To make vanilla cream:
1. In a large bowl, add egg yolks, sugar, and vanilla and whisk until well combined
2. Add the cornstarch and whisk again until well combined
3. Heat the milk in a saucepan until hot, then turn off the heat and let it sit for 1 minute
4. Slowly pour the milk into the egg mixture while constantly whisking so eggs don’t scramble and there are no

5. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and heat on a low heat whilst constantly stirring until thick and creamy,
about 10 minutes, the mixture needs to be very thick
6. One thick, turn of the heat and pour into a clean bowl, cover with plastic wrap over cream so a skin doesn’t form
and leave to cool

To fill the donuts:
1. Cut a deep slit in the side of each donut and pipe vanilla cream with a pastry bag into each one
To make the chocolate glaze:
1. Place the chocolate chips in a medium bowl
2. Melt in 30 seconds increments in the microwave, stirring after each time, until completely melted and smooth
3. Allow cooling for 2-3 minutes



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