Ultimate bee sting

Briefly knead the risen dough, roll it out into a rectangle and place it in the large buttered drip tray (40×30). Distribute the topping evenly over the dough and let the dough rise again.

Bake in a preheated oven at 190° – 200°C for 12 – 15 minutes, then let cool. Cut the plate into 12 equally sized pieces, remove the pieces one by one from the tray, cut them crosswise, put the bottom parts back on the tray and place the top parts on the work surface in the same order.

For the filling:

Cook a pudding from milk, sugar and pudding powder, squeeze out the gelatine that has been soaked for 5 minutes and add it one at a time, allow to cool thoroughly.
Beat the cream with the cream setting agent (the mixture stays better with gelatine), until stiff and stir into the pudding.

Fill the pastry plate with the pudding cream, place the tops in the correct order and cool for 3 hours, but not in the refrigerator and do not cover.
Cut with a knife before serving.



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