Toffee Pecan Dream Bars

Baking: Position the pan in the preheated oven and allow it to bake for approximately 30 minutes. You’ll notice the edges adopting a golden-brown hue. While the center might retain a slight jiggle, ensure you refrain from overbaking.
Cooling and Serving: Once baked to perfection, remove the pan from the oven and allow the bars to cool thoroughly. Upon reaching room temperature, segment them into individual bars and serve.

How To Make Toffee Pecan Dream Bars:

Let’s break this down into deliciously simple steps, shall we?

Oven Preheating: Set your oven to 350 degrees. This ensures a consistent temperature, making the bars bake evenly.
The Base: Mix together your cake mix, one egg, and that lovely softened butter. You’re looking for a crumbly texture. Once achieved, gently press this mixture into a greased 9×13 pan. This is your foundation, the base that’ll hold the delicious topping.
The Topping: In a separate bowl, whisk together the condensed milk, the other egg, and vanilla until it’s all blended nicely. This creates a creamy consistency. Now, for the fun part – fold in those delicious toffee bits and the chopped pecans. Pour this mixture over your prepared crust.
Baking: Pop it into the oven for roughly 30 minutes. Keep an eye out for those edges. If they start to brown, you’re on the right track. Yes, the middle might play tricks on you by being a tad jiggly, but trust the process and avoid overbaking.
Cooling & Cutting: The hardest part? Waiting for it to cool completely. But once cooled, slice into those dreamy bars and enjoy!

Toffee Pecan Dream Bars


It is of paramount importance to allow the bars to cool completely. This not only solidifies the structure but also amplifies the flavors. Enjoy your Toffee Pecan Dream Bars with a beverage of choice.



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