Tiramisu tart: the recipe for the delicious and spectacular dessert

Step 1
Take the butter out of the fridge 5 minutes before preparing the dough, cut it into cubes and mix with the sugar, the grated lemon peel and a pinch of salt1.
step 2
Knead quickly with your fingertips without letting the butter lose its consistency2.
step 3
Add the beaten egg to the mixture3.
Step 4
Work with your hands4until a smooth and homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Step 5
Form a rectangular loaf5, wrap in cling film and place in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Step 6
Once the necessary time has passed, take the dough out of the fridge and roll it out with a rolling pin on a sheet of baking paper until it reaches a thickness of about 4 millimeters.6.
Step 7
Grease and flour a 20 cm diameter tart tin and spread the dough on it, holding it with your fingers so that it adheres well and forms a regular edge 3 to 4 cm high7.
Step 8
Prick the base with the tines of a fork8.
Step 9
Place a sheet of baking paper on top and spread the dried pulses to prevent the dough from swelling and to support the edges.9.
Step 10
Bake on the lowest rack of the oven preheated to 175 °C for about 15 minutes, then take the cake out of the oven, remove the baking paper with the pulses and bake again at the same temperature and on the same rack for another 10-15 minutes10.
Step 11
When the base is golden brown, remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack11.
Step 12
Once cooled, spread the hazelnut cream on the base12This creates a thin layer that keeps the dough crispy.
Step 13
Using an electric whisk, beat the mascarpone and cream, both very cold from the refrigerator, with the icing sugar until a foamy mixture is formed.13.
Step 14
Pour the milk into the cold, bitter coffee14 and pour the liquid into a shallow bowl.
Step 15
Moisten the ladyfingers on one side only for a few seconds15.
Step 16
Spread these in the shortcrust pastry shell on the hazelnut cream layer until the surface is covered16.
Step 17
Fill the mascarpone cream into a piping bag with a star nozzle and a hole of approx. 10-12 millimeters.17.
Step 18
Make small tufts to cover the entire surface of the cake18.
Step 19
Sprinkle with bitter cocoa19and place in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving.
Step 20
Cut a slice and enjoy your Tiramisu cake20



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