The Magic of Homemade Jam: Strawberry Jam Recipe

Preparation of Fruits:
Gently wash the strawberries in cold water.
Remove the stems and cut them into small pieces.
In a large saucepan, combine strawberries, sugar and lemon juice.
Let the mixture sit for at least 2 hours, ideally overnight, so that the strawberries release their juice.

Cooking :
Place the pan over medium heat, bring the mixture to the boil, stirring regularly to prevent the sugar from caramelizing or sticking to the bottom.
When boiling, reduce heat slightly. Simmer for 30 to 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
If necessary, remove any scum that forms on the surface with a skimmer.

Checking the Cooking:
Perform the plate test: put a little jam on a cold plate. If it solidifies quickly and does not flow when you tilt the plate, your jam is ready.

Quickly transfer the boiling jam into sterilized jars. Seal them tightly.
Turn the jars over until completely cooled to ensure better conservation.
Note: Feel free to personalize this recipe by adding vanilla, cinnamon, or even a little red wine for an original and tasty touch.



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