The Best Newfoundland Raisin Tea Buns

Roll to 1 inch thickness and cut out buns with biscuit cutter and place on parchment lined baking sheet.
Bake at 375 degrees F for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.
Baking time will vary depending on the size of your biscuit cutter. This recipe makes 16 tea buns.

Only use real butter in this recipe. Substitutes can cause issues with sticky dough etc.

Make sure your surface is well floured before you drop the dough onto it, you can sprinkle a little flour on top before you from it into a circle to roll out. The goal is to keep the dough as soft and unworked as possible.

I usually sprinkle on flour and fold the dough only about 3 times. So, while you can add more flour while working the dough into shape, don’t overdo it or your raisin will be less soft and tender.

Do not roll them too thin; never thinner than 1 to 1 1/2 inches. The larger the buns the thicker I tend to cut them.

Make sure you oven is well preheated and use aluminum bakeware when possible. Steel/alloy pans can carry heat too quickly and like they do sometimes with cookies, spread wider on the pan before they get the chance to lift.



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