Swiss roll with mango cream

Moisten a kitchen towel (washed without fabric softener) under cold water and place it on the tabletop.
Hold the finished baked sponge cake base with your hands by the ends of the paper and turn it upside down onto the damp kitchen towel with the paper facing upwards.
Carefully quickly peel off the baked baking paper.

Lift the front of the sponge cake plate slightly with the kitchen towel and roll it up into a sponge cake roll. The end of the roll should be at the bottom.
Cover this Swiss roll with the damp kitchen towel for about 2 minutes. Then remove the cover again and let the Swiss roll steam out well and cool down.

For the mango cream filling:
Take about 100 g of the 350 g of mango pulp, cut into very small cubes, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and set aside.
Cut the remaining mango into coarse pieces, pour into a narrow mixing vessel and puree with a hand blender.

Soak gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes.
Beat the whipped cream with vanilla sugar, cream stiffener powder and 80 g sugar to form a stiff whipped cream, then refrigerate.

In a smaller pot, dissolve the lightly squeezed gelatine leaves together with 2 tablespoons of juice while stirring (do not boil).
Immediately pull the pot to the side and quickly stir 1 tablespoon of the mango fruit puree into the gelatine with a whisk. Then quickly add another 2 tablespoons of the fruit puree and stir in quickly.
Mix all the gelatin contents from the pot with the remaining mango puree to form a uniform mixture and allow to thicken briefly.

Place the thickened fruit puree on the cold whipped cream and mix either very briefly with the stirrers or with a whisk to form a mango cream.
Remove about 1/3 of the mango cream and set aside to cool to the Swiss roll later.

Carefully unroll the well-cooled Swiss roll with your hands.
Spread the mango cream on the sponge cake plate.
Scatter the small pieces of mango fruit that have been set aside at the bottom of the roll and, from this side, roll up the coated sponge cake plate with your hands into a roll. The end of the roll should be at the bottom again.

Now generously coat the Swiss roll all over except the underside with the mango cream that you have set aside and let it cool in the fridge, covered, for at least a few hours, or even better overnight.
Shortly before serving, you can garnish the Swiss roll with fresh mango or lime pieces if desired.



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