SPRING CUCUMBER SALAD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR LUNCH: “And along the way, you’ll lose pounds”

ZOVA JUICE AGAINST WICKED DISEASES: It’s easy to make, it doesn’t cost anything…
Zova, a versatile plant, is used in the treatment of degenerative diseases and as a preventive measure against cancer. Its abilities to strengthen immunity make it an effective ally in the fight against flu and colds.
Furthermore, zova has antiviral and antibacterial properties, which makes it a suitable remedy for flu symptoms. Whether it is consumed as tea brewed from dried flowers or as home-made juice, its medicinal properties remain intact.
This botanical wonder also helps treat respiratory conditions such as asthma and infections by promoting breathing and facilitating the expulsion of mucus. During the spring season, calla lilies can be used to relieve pollen allergy symptoms. Additionally, zova acts as a detoxifier by stimulating the lymph glands to eliminate toxins. Its therapeutic potential extends to the treatment of various skin conditions including acne, ulcers, conjunctivitis and rashes.
Not only does it have laxative properties, but it also acts as a diuretic and promotes kidney health. It is used in situations that require increased sweating. Its effectiveness in facilitating weight loss is attributed to its laxative, diuretic and detoxifying properties.
For the production of ZOVA juice, it is crucial to choose a day with clear and dry conditions when ZOVA blooms. It is necessary to locate a tree in bloom that is far from sources of pollution, such as busy streets. Carefully pluck each flower individually and store them in a bag to keep them clean and fresh.
To prepare this recipe, you need the following ingredients: 20 flowers, 1 liter of water, 800 g of sugar and the juice of 1 lemon.
What is the way to prepare for it?
Take 20 recently picked flowers and soak them in 1 liter of cold water. Leave them to rest in a cool place all day, avoiding refrigeration. After that, strain the mixture and mix in 800 grams of sugar and the juice of 1 lemon. Let it sit for an additional 24 hours.
In order for the sugar to dissolve, stir the mixture occasionally. After that, strain through a double layer of cheesecloth and transfer to a bottle. Then this juice is diluted with water and consumed as a preparation. The story associated with this tree is usually called the “legend” of the Trojan ruler who had ears like goats.
When the emperor’s barber arrived to cut his hair, he was bribed with gold coins to keep the secret from others. Although the barber agreed, as time passed, he became increasingly unhappy with the burden of hiding his knowledge.
After making his decision, he ventured out into the field where he continued to dig the hole. With the utmost determination, he repeated the sentence “Give the Trojan emperor a goat’s ears” three times as he dug, intending to make the emperor’s task easier.
Amazingly, a tree sprouted right out of the hole he had dug. Passing shepherds, after discovering this peculiar growth, ingeniously turned it into a makeshift pipe. As they playfully fiddled with the instrument, an enchanting melody rang out, replacing



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