Soft nougat: the traditional recipe with tips for preparing it at home

Step 4
Collect the honey in another pot, heat it and let it caramelize gently, stirring constantly with a spatula, until it reaches a temperature of 125-130 °C.
Step 5
At this point, slowly pour the egg whites into the caramelized honey and continue cooking over low heat, stirring constantly, until a slightly dense and foamy mixture is obtained.
Step 6
Place the honey-egg white mixture in a bowl and add the sugar syrup.
Step 7
Finally, add the toasted almonds and mix in with a spatula.
Step 8
Now place a wafer sheet about 20 cm on each side on the bottom of a square mold, pour in the prepared mixture and spread it evenly.
Step 9
Cover with the second wafer sheet and press down lightly with your hands to ensure it adheres well. Then let the nougat harden at room temperature for at least 12 hours.
Step 10
After the resting time has elapsed, carefully remove the soft nougat from the mold, cut into small pieces, then bring to the table and serve.
Depending on your taste, you can replace the almonds with hazelnuts, pistachios and walnuts or use two types of dried fruit together. It is important to never skip the roasting step in the oven to ensure a perfect result.
The food wafer can be bought in well-stocked supermarkets, specialty bakery shops or even online; if you really can’t find it, you can use parchment paper instead, which also helps with cutting.



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