Semla is a traditional Swedish roll stuffed with almond paste and whipped cream

If you can’t find ready-made almond paste in the store, there’s nothing you can do but make it yourself. I will also mention flour here, because I must admit that Swedish flour is different from Polish flour. It took a year before I matched the right types of flour to Polish baked goods. Here I recommend flour intended for yeast baking, e.g. type 550. Wonderful cardamom-smelling rolls, almond mass and lots of whipped cream, no, it’s definitely not good…

but so good! I used 40% cream for my semli, but you can use the one with 36% fat content. In Sweden, the weight of liquid and loose products is given in decilitres… and you get used to it and it even turns out to be very convenient. You can bake and make about 15 semli with these amounts of ingredients, but you can halve the amount.

Semla – ingredients

50 g of yeast
300 ml of warm milk
150 ml of powdered sugar
1 teaspoon of cardamom

a pinch of salt
3 eggs
200 g of soft butter
1200 ml of flour approx. 70 dkg

1 egg
powdered sugar

300 – 400 g of almond paste
5-6 tablespoons of milk
500 ml – 1 liter of whipping cream

If you don’t have ready almond paste:

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