Seductive cherry quark cake with Amaretto


Prepare the quark filling:
Mix the soft butter, sugar and salt until creamy. Separate the eggs and gradually stir in the egg yolks. Add the low-fat quark, milk, semolina, 1 packet of vanilla pudding powder and Amaretto and mix everything well. Beat the egg whites until stiff and carefully fold into the quark mixture.

Prepare the mold and bake:
Grease a springform pan (26 cm) and dust with flour. Take the shortcrust pastry out of the fridge and roll it out on the bottom of the springform pan. Spread the quark mixture on top. Bake the cake at 175°C top/bottom heat for 45-55 minutes, covering the cake after 30 minutes if necessary to prevent it from browning too much.
Prepare the cherry topping:
As soon as the cake has cooled completely, mix 400 ml of cherry juice with 1 packet of vanilla pudding powder (and optionally additional vanilla sugar) and bring to the boil briefly until the pudding thickens. Fold the pitted cherries into the finished pudding and spread the mixture evenly over the cake.
Before serving, it is best to let the cherry quark cake cool in the fridge for a few hours so that the topping sets. Then cut into pieces and serve. A real treat for the palate!



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