ROSE HUNGARIAN: Quick, simple and delicious

Cover the filled cake with baking paper and put something heavier on top (I put a book) and keep it for a while (eg overnight) so that the cubes are uniform.

If it is summer time, the cake should be kept in the refrigerator overnight so that the cream can set. When the cake is cooled, cover it with chocolate glaze and cut it into smaller cubes.

It is best to cut with a thin knife dipped in hot water, wiped, and then cut.


Melt the butter in a bowl and bring it to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in finely chopped chocolate and oil. Mix until shiny and smooth.

Wait a short time for the glaze to set a little, then pour it over the cake and let the glaze set to the end at room temperature. Then slice the cake and only then put it in the fridge.



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