Rice Cooker Beef Mince & Potato Frittata

My rice cooker has ‘Cake’ setting. I have found it is the best way to cook Upside-down Cakes, but it is perfect for cooking crust-less Quiche and Frittata as well. I have shared my ‘Rice Cooker Zucchini Frittata’ and ‘Spinach and Ham Frittata’ recipes on this website. Here is another one for you to try. Rice cooker doesn’t do everything for you. You need to precook Beef Mince, Onion and Garlic, and also Potato as well. While your rice cooker is cooking Frittata, you can make a salad, clean up the kitchen, and relax.


  1. Ground Black Pepper as required
  2. 1/4 cup chopped Parsley *OR add as much as you want
  3. 4 Eggs
  4. 1/2 cup Self-Raising Flour
  5. 1/2-1 cup shredded Tasty Cheese (Cheddar) *OR Cheese of your choice
  6. 1 Potato *about 150g, OR use 1 already cooked Potato
  7. 30 g (2 tablespoons) Butter
  8. 1 Onion *finely chopped OR thinly sliced
  9. 1 clove Garlic *finely chopped
  10. 250 g Beef Mince
  11. 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  12. Ground Black Pepper as required
  13. 1/2 teaspoon Salt


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