QUICK GENTLE ROLL WITH STRAWBERRIES… It’s a perfect combination for a light and refreshing treat…


Prepare 5 eggs and separate the whites and yolks.
Beat the egg whites until they become foamy and halfway through, start adding the sugar one at a time.
Mix until you get a completely solid and stable mass.
Towards the end of mixing, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and mix for another 1 minute.
Add 10 grams of cornstarch and mix briefly.
If desired, prepare a tray and line it with baking paper. I bake the crust in a large pot on the electric stove.
Transfer the crust mixture to baking paper, flatten the crust and sprinkle with almond flakes. You can use 80 to 100 grams of almond leaves.
Bake the crust at 130°C for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature and bake for another hour at 100°C.
When the crust is baked, transfer it to another baking paper with the almond side down.
Leave the crust to cool.
Place 5 egg yolks and 120 grams of sugar in a bowl. Mix until you get a nice foamy mass.
Steam the mass for about 15 minutes, depending on how long the water was boiling.
The water must be gently simmering, but not boiling, for steam to rise in the pot.
When the water boils, I reduce the heat to 6 out of 9.
Make sure that the temperature of the material does not exceed 75 °C. When the filling is cooked, remove the pan from the steam.
Let the substance cool completely.
Whip 250 ml of whipping cream into a fine foam.
Add the cooled yellow filling to the whipped cream and beat briefly at the lowest speed.

In addition, wash, dry and clean about 450 grams of strawberries.
Cut the strawberries to the desired size.
Spread the filling over the cooled crust, but leave a little space on the outer edges for the final rolling of the roll.
Spread the chopped strawberries over the filling and gently twist the roll.
Place the rolls in the refrigerator to cool for at least 2 hours.
Sprinkle the rolls liberally with powdered sugar before serving.



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