Pumpkin Lasagne

In a frypan, cook the onion and garlic cloves in the olive oil.
Add the wine and cook until it evaporates.
Cook the pumpkin in boiling water. Drain when done.
Add the pumpkin, ricotta cheese, salt and pepper, and tomato pulp to the onion and garlic cloves.
Mash all the ingredients and mix well.
Cover the bottom of a greased oven dish with the pumpkin sauce and place a layer of lasagne sheets on top.
Add another layer of pumpkin sauce on top of the lasagne and top with grated mozzarella.
Repeat with layers of lasagne, sauce and mozzarella until all the ingredients are used.
Finish with a layer of pumpkin sauce, grated cheese and mozzarella.
Bake in the oven at 220C until pasta is done.


If you use dried lasagne sheets, add some milk or fresh cream to the sauce so



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