Poppyseed cheesecake with mandarins



For the shortcrust pastry, quickly knead the ingredients into a smooth dough. Wrap it in cling film and place it in the fridge for 30 minutes.

step 2

In the meantime, you can prepare the filling. Put the eggs and sugar in a bowl and mix well. Then add the quark, sour cream, vanilla and lemon. Finally, stir in the cornstarch.

step 3

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees top/bottom heat and grease your springform pan.

Roll out the shortcrust pastry on a floured surface to a thickness of about 0.8cm. Use it to line your baking tin.

First, spread the poppy seed mixture in a thin layer on the bottom of the shortcrust pastry. Then pour the quark mixture on top.

Drain the mandarins and arrange the slices individually, preferably decoratively, on the quark mixture.

Now bake the cake on the second rack from the bottom for one hour.

Then turn off the oven and let the cake rest in the warm oven for 30 minutes. Then it must cool completely at room temperature. After that, we recommend letting it rest in the fridge for another 1-2 hours.



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