Plum cake with jam: the recipe for a soft and delicious dessert from the cupboard

Step 1
Beat the eggs with the granulated sugar 1 in a bowl until the mixture is light and fluffy.
step 2
Then add the yoghurt 2.
step 3
Add the seed oil 3.
Step 4
Perfume with grated lemon peel 4.
Step 5
Finally, add a pinch of salt and the flour sifted with yeast 5 and mix carefully until you get a creamy and homogeneous mixture.
Step 6
Pour half of the mixture into a well-buttered or oiled plum cake tin.
Step 7
Spread the berry jam in the middle 7.
Step 8
Cover with the remaining dough 8 and place in a static oven at 170 °C for about 40 minutes.
Step 9
Once the plum cake is ready, take it out of the oven, let it cool and turn it out onto a serving plate 9.
Step 10
Cut the plum cake with jam into 10 slices and serve.
The jam plum cake can be stored at room temperature under a cake stand for a maximum of 3-4 days.



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