Pina Colada sheet cake

Now mix pineapple juice, sweetened condensed milk and coconut cream. Put aside.
Loosen the edges of the cake and turn it out onto a board. Surround it with a baking frame and make several holes with the end of a wooden spoon, for example. Spread 1/3 of the pineapple-condensed milk-coconut cream mixture over the cake and let it soak in briefly. Press the remaining 200g pineapple pieces into the holes you just pressed and let the cake cool completely.
For the cream, beat the cream until stiff. Remove 4 tablespoons and set aside. Soak gelatine in cold water and squeeze out after 5 minutes. Dissolve in a small saucepan over low heat and add some of the pineapple-condensed milk-coconut cream mixture. Mix well and add gelatin to the remaining mixture. Mix well! Then fold in the stiff cream, stir everything until smooth and pour onto the cake with baking frame. Smooth it out and let it solidify in the fridge for at least 3 hours
Then remove the cake from the frame and cut the sides of the sheet cake narrowly – this way you can see the layers straight away. Roast the coconut flakes in a coated pan without oil and set aside. Pour the cream into a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle. Place pineapple slices on the cake and pipe a dab of cream into each hole. Place the cherry in the middle of the dab and top everything off with toasted coconut flakes. Enjoy cool with your loved ones



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