Pepperoni Black Olive Stromboli


  1. Using a pastry brush or the back of a spoon, spread the garlic butter mix over the surface of the dough, leaving a 1” border all the way around. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of parsley, followed by 2 tablespoons of parmesan cheese.
  2. Add slightly overlapping rows of sliced pepperoni shingles, covering the cheese surface, leaving a 1” border on the bottom and sides and a 2” border on top. Layer on half of the shredded mozzarella and/or provolone, top with sliced black olives, then add the remaining mozzarella cheese.
  3. Brush sides and top edges lightly with egg wash. This will help seal the stromboli closed.


  1. Lightly dust your hands with flour to keep from sticking to the dough. Starting at the wide end closest to you, slowly begin rolling the dough toward the blank border at the top (like a cinnamon roll), stopping when you hit the strip.
  2. Pull the blank strip back towards you, over the rolled dough. Pinch to seal the folded dough together and create a seam. Then pinch and fold the ends of the stromboli to seal the exposed ends. Carefully transfer the stromboli to a parchment paper lined baking sheet with the seam side facing down.
  3. Lightly brush the top and sides with egg wash. Sprinkle with remaining parmesan.
  4. Use a sharp knife to cut several slits across the stromboli to allow for ventilation while it bakes. Allow the stromboli to sit and proof for about 15 minutes before baking.


  1. Bake for about 25-30 minutes, rotating the pan halfway through the bake time, until the crust is golden brown. The butter may grease leak and cheese might bubble up and spill out the sides or top slits, don’t worry, it just adds character.
  2. Carefully remove from the oven and allow to cool on baking sheet for at least 5-10 minutes.


  1. Transfer stromboli to a cutting board and slice into 12 rollups. Serve with pizza sauce or ranch dressing if you’re into that.



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