Peach panna cotta: the recipe for a simple and delicious summer dessert

How to prepare peach panna cotta

Step 1
Dip the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water1 and let them soak for about ten minutes.
step 2
Pour the cream into a saucepan with high sides2.
step 3
Add the milk3.
Step 4
Sweeten with sugar4.
Step 5
Place on the stove and bring almost to the boil, stirring frequently with a whisk5.
Step 6
Turn off the heat and stir in the now soft, well-squeezed gelatine6.
Step 7
Divide the cream-milk mixture into individual glasses7 and allow to harden in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
Step 8
Meanwhile, peel and pit the peaches and cut two of them into cubes. Puree the remaining peach in the bowl of a blender and place the diced and pureed fruit in a non-stick pan. Then add the sugar and lemon juice and cook over low heat, stirring frequently8, for about 5 minutes; when ready, remove from heat and allow to cool.
Step 9
After the resting time, garnish the panna cotta with the peach compote and finish with a fresh mint leaf9, bring to the table and serve.
For a richer and denser result, you can work the milk-cream mixture very cold with a little Greek yogurt or you can omit the isinglass: for more suitable for those who follow a vegetarian diet.
Here we’ve poured the panna cotta directly into the individual cups to have ready for guests to arrive, but if you prefer, you can also arrange it in a single plum cake tin and then turn it out onto a tray and then serve with your favorite topping : blueberry coulis or melted chocolate.



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