Pasta Timbale: the recipe for the festive first course in a brisée crust

How to prepare the pasta timbale

Step 1
To prepare the pasta timbale, start with the seasoning: roughly chop the celery, carrot, onion and garlic clove with a knife1.
step 2
Heat a generous splash of oil in a pan, add the herbs2 and fry for 2-3 minutes.
step 3
Add the peeled and chopped sausages3.
Step 4
Let them brown for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon4.
Step 5
Deglaze with red wine5.
Step 6
Add the frozen peas6.
Step 7
Mix with a spoon and cook over medium heat for about 3 minutes, then add the mixed mushrooms7.
Step 8
Cook for a few minutes, stirring constantly8.
Step 9
Then add the tomato puree9, add salt and continue cooking for about 45 minutes: if the ragù shrinks too much, add a drop of hot water.
Step 10
In the meantime, prepare the shortcrust pastry: collect the sifted flour and the cold butter cut into pieces in a bowl10.
Step 11
Briefly rub the ingredients with your fingertips and then pour in the chilled white wine11.
Step 12
Add 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and a generous pinch of salt and knead with your hands12until you get a smooth and homogeneous mixture.
Step 13
Form a loaf, wrap it in cling film13 and place in the fridge for 45 minutes.
Step 14
Cook the pasta in plenty of lightly salted boiling water and drain halfway through cooking14.
Step 15
Season with the finished sausage ragout15.
Step 16
Add the grated Parmesan cheese16.
Step 17
Add the diced provolone cheese17, mix and set aside.
Step 18
After the resting time, roll out the shortcrust pastry thinly on baking paper18.
Step 19
Place a well-buttered 24 cm diameter mold on top of the dough and, using a smooth wheel, cut out a disc larger than the diameter of the mold19: you will need it to cover the edges. Form a ball with the remaining pasta scraps and set aside.
Step 20
Line the mold with the dough disc20.
Step 21
Prick the base with the tines of a fork21.
Step 22
Pour the seasoned rigatoni into the brisée bowl22.
Step 23
Roll out the reserved brisée into a thin sheet and place it on the pasta23.
Step 24
Seal the edges well24 by pressing them together with your fingertips.
Step 25
Brush the surface with the lightly beaten egg and a drop of milk25.
Step 26
Using scissors, make a cut in the middle of the timbale26 to prevent the dough from swelling during baking and place in a static oven at 180 °C for about 45 minutes.
Step 27
Once the pasta timbale is cooked, let it rest for about ten minutes, then turn it out onto a serving plate and cut into slices.27And serve hot.
When preparing the timbale, you can let your imagination run wild and enrich it with fried meatballs, hard-boiled egg slices, diced bacon, mozzarella, smoked provola, chicken liver, etc. Or you can try a simple version, with 4 types of cheese or with homemade béchamel sauce, cooked ham and zucchini.
To obtain a perfect result, do not forget to cook the pasta very al dente, about half the time indicated on the packet. Otherwise, it would cook for too long in the oven and the final result would not be so tasty.
Before baking the timbale, we recommend that you make a small cross-shaped cut in the surface of the dough with scissors : this will prevent the dough from swelling during baking and the filling from becoming too moist.
The pasta timbale can be kept in an airtight container in the fridge for a maximum of 1 day . When serving, we recommend heating it in the oven at 180 °C for about 15 minutes: it will return to being as fragrant and stringy as it was just prepared.



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