Papanasi with cream and jam – Soft and fluffy, very delicious – Fried Papanasi


In a bowl, add the cheese, eggs, sugar, lemon juice, grated zest, semolina, vanilla sugar and bicarbonate. Mix until homogeneous.

Add the flour and knead by hand. Divide the dough into 6 equal parts (120-125g). We dust our hands with flour to work easily with the dough and break off each piece of dough, about the size of a walnut, and shape it into a ball.
We shape the remaining pieces into larger balls, then flatten them. In the middle of each papanas we insert the finger and rotate it to slightly widen the hole obtained.

Heat a lot of oil in a large saucepan/pan. After it has heated up, we turn the heat to medium and put the papanasi and the balls. We fry them for about 5 minutes on one side, turn them over and fry them for another 3-4 minutes.

Let it cool for another 2 minutes before serving.
Assembly :
Place the papanas, put 1-2 spoons of cream and one of jam, then put the ball of papanas and put a little more jam and cream.



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