Orange Chocolate Financier…to die for

Butter preparation : Melt the butter and let it cool. This step is important to obtain a homogeneous texture in your financiers.
Preheating the oven : Preheat your oven to 200°C, a crucial element for even cooking of the financiers.
Dry mix : In a large bowl, mix the icing sugar, flour and almond powder. This combination provides the base for your financiers.

Incorporating the egg whites and zest : Lightly beat the egg whites with a fork, then add them to the dry mixture. Then incorporate the cooled melted butter and the zest of one orange. Mix well to obtain a smooth batter.

Cooking : Pour the mixture into financier molds and bake for 12 to 15 minutes. Monitor the cooking until they are golden. Then let the financiers cool on a rack.
Preparing the oranges : Cut the financiers lengthwise. Cut the oranges and remove the segments (segments without skin).

Chocolate and orange decoration : Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie. Dip the top of each financier into the melted chocolate so that it covers them completely. Place the orange segments in the center of the two pieces of cake. Decorate each financier with a sugar rose.

Be sure to use organic oranges for a zest free of pesticide residue.
Let the financiers cool before decorating them so that the chocolate adheres well.
The sugar roses add an elegant touch but can be omitted if preferred.
These orange chocolate financiers are perfect to end a meal on a sweet and fruity note or to accompany an afternoon tea.



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