No Bake Vanilla Cream Cake

Preparation of the vanilla cream: In a saucepan, dissolve 2 tablespoons of caster sugar in 550 ml of milk. Add the sachets of vanilla cream powder and stir constantly over medium heat until thick. Remove from heat and let cool completely.

Assembling the cream: While the cream is cooling, whip 220ml of the whipping cream until it forms stiff peaks. Gently fold the whipped cream into the cooled vanilla cream, being careful not to let it collapse.
Preparation of the base: Finely crumble the butter biscuits. In a saucepan, melt 60 g of butter and mix with the crumbled biscuits and 1 tablespoon of caster sugar. Gradually add 250 ml of milk while stirring to obtain a smooth dough.

Assembling the cake: Line a 28cm (11″) springform pan with baking paper. Spread the biscuit mixture evenly over the bottom of the pan, pressing firmly to form a solid base.
Adding the vanilla cream: Carefully pour the vanilla cream over the biscuit base. Smooth the surface with a spatula.

Top layer: In a bowl, whip the whipped cream with the vanilla sugar until firm. Spread this whipped cream over the vanilla cream.

Decorating and Resting: Dust the cake with cocoa powder or garnish with chocolate shavings. Refrigerate the cake for at least 3-4 hours, ideally overnight.
Service: Carefully unmold the cake and cut it into equal pieces. Serve chilled.

Tip: For a crispier base, you can lightly toast the butter cookie crumbs before mixing them with the butter and sugar.



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