New Orleans Chocolate Donuts

New Orleans Chocolate Donuts made with unsweetened condensed milk that are extremely moist and deliciously indulgent. A comforting recipe perfect for Mardi Gras or just for a snack with your kids.


Donut dough
500 g of type 45 flour
6 g salt
65 g sugar
100 g of water

120 g unsweetened condensed milk
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
18 g fresh baker’s yeast or 8 g dehydrated

45 g melted butter
Chocolate ganache
130 g of whole liquid cream
130 g dark baking chocolate

¼ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon 20 g of honey
½ teaspoon vanilla extract

The garnish and frying
1 liter of sunflower oil or other neutral oil
Icing sugar


Donut dough
Place the flour, sugar, salt and vanilla in the bowl of a stand mixer or in a large mixing bowl. Add the egg, warm water and unsweetened condensed milk.

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