LPG cake from the GDR


First, prepare a creamy foam mixture from butter, egg yolk, icing sugar, vanilla sugar and salt.

Then mix the flour with the baking powder and stir in. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold in.
Now spread the dough on a baking tray (25×40 cm) and bake for about 20 minutes.
Cook the pudding powder with sugar and milk to make a pudding and let it cool.
Beat the butter until fluffy and stir in the pudding a tablespoon at a time. The butter and pudding must be the same temperature. Spread the buttercream on the base. Spread the biscuits over the buttercream without any gaps.
For the icing, melt the coconut oil and leave to cool. Mix the icing sugar with the cocoa, stir in the eggs and melted coconut oil to form a thick mixture. Cover the cake with the icing and leave to cool.



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