Lemon Tart Recipe

The filling is similar to my favorite lemon curd, except for 2 adjustments. First, there’s the addition of heavy cream, which is optional but adds richness and great taste, and you can use up to ¼ cup of it. Second, is the amount of butter. When you pour it into your chilled pie crust, use a knife or an offset spatula to evenly spread it.


I usually don’t like a lot of butter in my lemon curd, but here it helps to mute the bold lemon flavor, which I find really makes this tart superb. You can cut the butter by half if you prefer, or on the contrary, add more. The butter also adds a thick, creamy texture and the long whisking when adding it makes it light and airy. You can whisk the butter by hand, or even better, use a blender. Add the butter to the lemon mixture and blend, adding a few cubes of butter at a time, until completely smooth.



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