Lemon plum cake: the recipe for a soft and fragrant dessert from the cupboard

Step 1
Also keep the lemons1: in the end you should get about 80 ml of juice.
step 2
Beat the eggs and sugar in a large bowl2 until light and fluffy.
step 3
Add the grated zest of one lemon and pour in the filtered citrus juice while continuing to stir.3.
Step 4
Add water and vegetable oil gradually4.
Step 5
Mix together the flour, baking powder and cornstarch. Gently incorporate the powder with a spatula5.
Step 6
Pour the resulting dense and creamy dough into a plum cake tin lined with baking paper6.
Step 7
Cover the surface with granulated sugar7and bake in a preheated static oven at 175 °C for about 50 minutes.
Step 8
Once the cooking time is up, remove the plum cake from the oven8and allow it to cool completely.
Step 9
Turn the lemon plum cake out onto a serving plate, cut into slices9and serve.
If you want, instead of crunchy grains, you can cover the dessert with a lemon-scented glaze or with a light sprinkling of powdered sugar. Or you can refine the dough with candied fruits, raisins soaked in orange juice or dark chocolate chips .
We have tried a lactose-free version, suitable even for people with intolerance, but if you want, as an alternative to water and seed oil, you can also use a good centrifuge butter and cow’s milk or, in the case of celiac guests, you can opt for a gluten-free variant by replacing the soft wheat flour with rice or buckwheat flour
The lemon plum cake can be stored at room temperature under a cake container for a maximum of 3-4 days .



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