Homemade Cake with Yogurt Cream and Fruit – Easy and flavorful recipe, you will love it


For the top, sift the flour into a bowl, add the cubes of cold butter and mix with your fingers until you get a sandy composition. Add sugar, beaten eggs, a pinch of salt, vanilla sugar, lemon peel, cream and knead a homogeneous dough. We shape the dough into a ball and divide it into 2 unequal parts: a larger part and a smaller part.
We wrap the smaller part of the dough in food foil and put it in the freezer until we prepare the filling. We take the larger piece of dough and spread it into a rectangular sheet, on the work surface sprinkled with flour. We line a 30*22 cm tray with baking paper and carefully place the sheet in it. We cut the edges, cover the pan with food foil and refrigerate until we prepare the filling.
For the cream, separate the eggs and mix the whites to a stiff foam with a pinch of salt. We gradually add 120 grams of sugar, mixing continuously until we get a dense foam that will not fall if we turn the bowl. In another bowl, mix the egg yolks together with 120 grams of sugar and vanilla, until we get a foam. Add the starch and mix at low speed until incorporated.
Add the yogurt and semolina and mix very well. At the end, we also incorporate the egg white foam, using a spatula. We are careful not to crush the foam so as not to lose the air accumulated in it.
Take the tray out of the fridge, spread the yogurt cream over the sheet. Sprinkle the fruit over the cream.
We also remove the smaller piece of dough from the freezer and pass it through the large grater directly over the fruit layer. We put the tray in the oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius and bake the cake for approximately 35-40 minutes, or until it is nicely browned on the surface.
Let the cake cool before portioning and serving.
Savor it with gusto! Good appetite!
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