Homemade Apple Cake – Cake with soft dough and aromatic apple filling


For the dough, mix the flour with powdered sugar and baking powder. Then, we add the cold butter and mix with our fingers until we get a sandy consistency. Add the grated lemon peel, cream, egg yolks and knead a non-sticky dough. We wrap the dough thus obtained in food foil and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
After the 30 minutes, we divide the dough into two parts. For the filling, clean the apples and pass them through a large grater, then squeeze out the juice and mix them with sugar and cinnamon.
Assembly: we spread the first piece of dough in a sheet, on a piece of baking paper the size of the tray. Then we transfer the baking paper and sheet to the tray, sprinkle a spoonful of semolina on top, then evenly spread the apple filling and sprinkle another spoonful of semolina.
Place the second sheet, with the help of baking paper, and prick the cake from place to place with a fork. Put the cake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for about 45 minutes.
After it cools, dust it with powdered sugar and portion it. Savor it with gusto! Good appetite!
The recipe belongs to mrs. Cristina Brejan and was taken with express consent, from her personal blog.



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