Healthy Blueberry Delight: Sugar and Flour Free

Preheat your oven to 170°C.
In a large bowl, pour the Greek yogurt.
Add the eggs and beat the mixture vigorously until the eggs and yogurt are well combined and the mixture becomes slightly frothy.

Gradually add the four tablespoons of cornstarch, whisking constantly to avoid lumps. Make sure the cornstarch is fully incorporated and the mixture is smooth and homogeneous.

Carefully add the 70g of blueberries to the mixture. Mix gently with a spatula to distribute the blueberries evenly without crushing them.

Pour the mixture into the glass baking dish, making sure to distribute it evenly.
Arrange a few extra blueberries on top to create a nice garnish.

Bake for about 40 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the dessert is firm to the touch.
Check the cooking by inserting a knife or wooden pick into the center of the dessert. If it comes out clean, the dessert is ready.

Allow to cool before serving, this dessert can be enjoyed warm or cold, depending on your preference.
This delicious blueberry dessert is ideal for ending a meal on a light and fruity note, without weighing down the body with unnecessary sugars or flours. Enjoy your meal!



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